The Only Way is Dalston
We all know by now that 'Being A Dickhead's Cool'. But the burning question on our lips is is just how cool are these Dalston Dickheads? I for one want to know just how much effort does it take to get that unwashed, 'effortless' look?
Is it just a matter of enrolling at art college and wearing your grandma's clothes?
Well we shall wonder no more, for MTV has seen our pain and remedied it. The have taken the 'TOWIE' and 'Made in Chelsea' formulae East and are now filming 'The only way is Dalston'.
Last week Vice magazine visited the auditions on the Kingsland Road's Dickhead hotspot 'Jaguar Shoes' (where else), and interviewed a selection of the auditionees.
Expect a lot of vintage (see 'second-hand') leather, non-prescription glasses, blunt fringes and Ironic T-shirts.
Take a look at a few excerpts below (my favourites are 'homeless' Hannah with her international housemates and soap loving Jonathan.
"I’m radical! I’m all about politics, and I try to express this through my art, and my music.K-Tron, 27, musician/ artist/ fashion writer.
I’m this kind of party girl, I’m a little crazy.
I’m homeless now. I live out of my bag.
East London has gotten way more international lately, too.
Do you have a problem with that?
No, all my housemates are internationals.
Hannah, 21, Music Journalism student.
Are you a hipster?
No. I’m not a hipster because I’m really into the 90s style
Lynsey Coke, 24, MA Textiles and Technology student.
What is your current mood?
I don’t know. Cruella de Vil is something I get from a lot of people, lately.
Louie Banks, 20, photographer.
Do you consider yourself to be a hipster?
Sharlon: No way, man!
Do you know what a hipster is?
Sharlon: Not really.
Sharlon, 25, photographer.
One girl said hipsters tend to remain unwashed for weeks.
Sharlon: I wash every day, man!
Jonathan: Yeah, soap is great, we love soap!
Jonathan, 25, graphic designer
What’s your little world about?
Chris: We're just regular people that try really hard.
Chris, 19, student/ unemployed writer."