So I have a mention on a blog!
Hypster Dykes is fast becoming one of my favourite blogs.
A haven of androgynous skinny girls with shaved hair and vests. Lots of vests. And glasses. What's not to love?
The lovely lady creator of Hipster dykes mentioned my site on her (rather well reknowned now) blog!
Under the post title "Other Blogs which gave me a wetty this week" (If that title doesn't tempt you to take a peek I don't know what will).
I'm practically famous!!! (Well... nearly!)
It's a funny mix of random ponderings (for example "Ways to stay skinny: take speed/crack/heroin"), some beautiful photoshoots, street and party shots, and a lot of pictures of Katherine Moenning. Oh and loads of tits - but shot in black and white with a musing intellectual stare so it's art, right?
If Shoreditch was a blog this would be it.
Warning: Don't read on a a) Fat day or b) A bad hair day - or you may just want to trip on your braces off a very fashionable bridge. (But if you do don't forget to get an arty poloroid of it.)
So throw on your skinny jeans and distressed statement tee, light up a cigarette and take a look at a few of my favourites photos - I'm just off to shave one side of my head...

Oh God I'd kick my dog for that hair.
